Saturday, March 28, 2009

Spring Break cont'd

Tuesday, the 24th we got to spend w/ G & G Watson. We played a fun marble game with them and of course Josh won, as usual. Then since it was my birthday, Josh, Hunter, and I went to Sandy to a really cool live aquarium. They had all sorts of different fish. They had 3 differnt areas. I can't remember what the 1st one was, one was the marine (ocean type), adn then South America. We saw lots of really cool things like, sea horses, sting rays, clown fish, jellyfish, octupus, and many more. I really liked the octupus. I had never seen a real one before. That thing was HUGE! (My pic of it didn't turn out very good) and extremly fascinating. The jelly fish were pretty cool too. We also saw some different types of frogs and lots of UGLY, BIG, FURRY spiders. (those weren't my fav, I was glad there was a window between it and me) After the aquarium, we went back to Watson's for some yummy pot roast and carrots, and potatoes. We came back to Burley on Wednesday and just hung out. Didn't do too much. Played a round of Mario Party and had dinner with Mom and Dad and Krystal. We came back to Boise on Thursday and got caught up on laundry, looked at a house, and did our normal everyday stuff. Then we just enjoyed ourselves on Friday. Oh and I got a hair cut (pics to come later). Then today (sat) we did our normal grocery shopping and enjoyed the wonderful weather! We had a great trip but are glad to be home again!

Here's a turtle at the aquarium

Josh is touching a sting ray! They had a whole bunch in this big pond and you could touch them if you wanted. Hunter really wanted to but as you can tell by Josh's arm, Hunter would have had to go under the water.

This is a lobster! It's HUGE! I didn't know they could get that big.

Hunter was trying to grab the fish. He loved it and had so much fun!


Gwen said...

Sounds like the birthday day was fun, the pictures are great

Jami said...

That is so cool! I love aquariums and I havent gone to one in a long time... way too long

Oh and you should check out my blog I finally updated everything so there's a loooot of new stuff =)