Thursday, March 3, 2011

McKenna Update

Grandpa was nice enough to let McKenna golf a turn or two. She had a blast!

This girl LOVES food. She doesn't care what it is, if you have it she wants it. She can smell it a mile away, I'm sure of it. She will eat anything and everything. She can eat a whole strawberry in 2 seconds flat. Hunter was eating a banana and she was getting so mad that she couldn't get to it.

This girl loves bath time. As soon as we turn the water on she comes crawling as fast as her little legs can take her. :) She likes to watch brother play in the tub and she just has a grand time playing in the water.

Eating a pancake at my parents house. She ate a WHOLE pancake and enjoyed every second of it.

This little lady likes to be a stink bug. She sticks her but clear up in the air and tries to move. It's so funny! She loves to be in the standing position but she can't do it on her own yet. Although, dad is working with her seriously on this one. :)

McKenna is doing good overall as well. I just took her to the doc for her 9 month check. She has a head that is huge. She's 80th percentile for her head size. (it's an Alvey trait, they all have big heads) She is 27 3/4 in. which is about the 50th percentile for length and she is 15.1 lbs which is 2nd percentile, yes, I said 2nd. She is a petite little gal and I love her that way. They also checked her iron and it was borderline low. The doc isn't to concerned yet though. They will reevaluate her at 1 year old and see how things are and if her weight and iron haven't improved then they will address it then. She is pretty happy for the most part, unless you're eating and not sharing or brother is picking on her. :)