Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Girls Camp

Back in February I was called to be the 1st Counselor in the Young Women's. I was definitely not expecting it but was super excited about it. I love the Young Women's program and had a blast when I was a Young Women. I love having the MiaMaids! They are such a fun age and amazing girls. When I was called to be the counselor I knew that meant girls camp too. :) I LOVED girls camp growing up and I couldn't wait. Although, we do have some city girls so it was a little differnt. But I had the TIME OF MY LIFE!!!! I loved being a leader at camp instead of a girl. It was so amazing to watch our girls gain testimonies of their own about our Savior. It was stake camp and I always liked ward camp better growing up, so I was a little nervous. But the stake leaders did a FANTASTIC job with it. The them was Testimony-I know for myself. I was a little worried to because, of course, as a leader I had the itinerary and they had us scheduled for something every hour. NO KIDDING! We started with flag ceremony and breakfast at 8 and had something every hour until about 10 each night. We only had 1 hour every day for free time. We played different games, did service projects, had a testimony hike, and all sorts of stuff. Our girls we always in bed no later than 10:30 every night but the last night. We didn't have any fighting and bickering, which from a leader stand point was very nice. One day they had an activity of rock climbing. I have never done rock climbing before and have never really been interested in it either. I am TERRIFIED of heights! I have a MiaMaid who isn't as outgoing as some of the other girls but she said if you do it, I'll do it. As a leader, how do you back out of that? So she tried it and then I held true to my word. I did it! I was scared to death but I did it and hope I never have to do it again. :) The stake had several firesides and devotionals throughout the week, that were always amazing and I think really helped the girls. Through the week they focused a lot on trying to help the girls recognize the spirit speaking to them. And tried to explain that not everyone feels the spirit the same. Some people have a pounding heart, some have thoughts come to mind, and such and such ways. How just because one person feels the spirit one way, doesn't mean another person feels the spirit the same way. And that we may not feel the spirit at the same time as another person either. It was truly an amazing experience to be a leader and to strengthen my own testimony and feel of the spirit in MY own ways and to watch our girls grow in the gospel. I absolutely love my calling and really wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life in Young Women's.