Monday, January 19, 2009

It's Josh's fault!!!

So we got a phone call and I sure do wish I would have answered it. It was a member of the bishopric calling to ask us to speak in church! I HATE HATE HATE speaking in church. The last time I had to do it was just right after we got married and it was about 5 minutes and then I was done. I prepared for 2 1/2 weeks and had 3 pages full of stuff and it was 5 MINUTES!!! If I would have answered the phone I would have said no. I'm seriously stressing over this ordeal. I mean I sat and bawled through church last week because I don't want to do this. Nonetheless, the topic is COURAGE! (which I'm obviously lacking) This is not a plea to come and listen to me because believe me there won't be much to listen to and I'd rather not have people come cuz then I'll be even more nervous about it. But this is a plea for help. If you have any brillant ideas, send them my way. I'm supposed to base my talk off of Elaine Dalton's conference talk. I don't have it in front of my but I think it's called A return to virtue. Any help will be greatly appreciated! And wish me luck and say LOTS of prayers for me.


pie said...

Girl, I totally feel for you. We've been here for 6 months and have managed to escape speaking so far (cross your fingers). However, the next time they ask, if they do, B already told me that he will tell them that he will speak but they have to ask me separately. This is because the last time, we had an experience similar to yours. He said yes for both of us and I was LIVID!!!! I cried, screamed and freaked out for DAYS. I was so mad. I don't like doing it either. I will try think of some things for your talk and send them your way. You'll do great.

Krystal said...

Does this mean you don't want me to come?

Gwen said...

I don't like to speak either and hope that they don't ask me, I would want to say no. You will do a great job i"m sure.

Johnson Family said...

We have been here a year and a half and completely lucked out of speaking, but we have done our share of prayers in sacrement and that is hard for me. I hate talking in front of people. You will do great I am sure!!! Good luck

Suzie Koskella said...

I totally feel the same! I HATE i mean Hate speaking in Church I get all sweaty and my legs shake the entire time and last time I spoke I cried because I missed my baby! Sad huh! WHy do the Husbands answer the phone when that happens! good luck! I will pray for you! :)

pie said...

How did your talk go?

Brooke said...

When we moved into the ward before this one (2 years ago) I walked in my front door after running errands and Eric says the bishop stopped by and wants us to speak in church on Sunday...I thought he was kidding with me becasue it was Thursday evening!!!! Needless to say we spoke and it wasn't horrible...well Eric's was, but not mine LOL. I hope it goes well!!!!