Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Hunter and mom. This kid loves taking pics of himself

Hunter and dad putting together a puzzle

Hunter in his doggy jammies.

This kid is getting so big! I can't believe how much he's grown lately. He surprises me every day. He can count to 20, say his ABC's, and tell you his animal sounds. (of course he just repeats what I tell him but it's still pretty good) He says the pray at dinner every night. He's very good at it too. He know the Dear Heavenly part and Christ, Amen part. He can tell you what he wants and loves to tell his dad that dinner is ready. He knows how to call his grandma & grandpa's on my phone. Usually without any help. The other day he kept calling Josh's mom and he'd talk for a few min and then say bye-bye love you and hang up. He usually always remember his bye-bye and love you's. He's quite particular in who does certain things for him. Lately mom isn't allowed to get him his cup only dada. Sometimes I'm allowed to change his diaper and sometimes I'm not and dad is. Just depends on his mood. He's getting ready for McKenna to come. I'm not sure how excited he will really be when she gets here but in the mean time he knows where her room is and her bed and certain things that are for her.

We sure love having this kid in our family and certainly wouldn't trade him for anything. He's such a joy to be around.

Christmas 2010

Hunter & my dad

Never sure why we buy presents

Helping dad open presents

We were able to go home for Christmas this year. Which is always fun. We were able to be with my sister and her boyfriend and his son and my parents and then we got to spend time with Josh's family. I have many more pics from Christmas but due to some family asking not to post pics of them I will have to just tell you how much fun we had. Of course Hunter was spoiled. Santa brought him his train set and he loves it! He got a lot of stuff between us, my sister, my parents, Josh's parents, and aunts & uncles. Josh and I kept things simple for each other. We didn't do much for each other. I got him his NY Yankee hat and that's it. I honestly don't remember what he got me but he did get me something. (my bad) We love being able to be with family and celebrate the Saviors birth. (sorry for the bold underlined text, my comp is being weird)


Josh & his sister, Krystal

Josh & his parents

Josh, me, and Hunter

Just after getting his diploma holder. (cuz they don't actually give you a real diploma until all grades have been posted and are final)

Josh at graduation. We were pretty close to his seat. We were in the 2nd or 3rd row. Not too bad.

I know these pics are way way over due and backwards but oh well. I am so proud of Josh for graduating. He graduated Magna Cum Lade (not sure if that's how you spell it) which means his GPA was at a certain grade level. (which means your smart basically). He is officially a Boise State University Alumni. He has his bachelors in Accounting, and now we are just waiting to find a job in a related field. Way to go honey! We love you!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

I have the best son ever!!!!

Friday, Josh and I were on our way to the dreaded Walmart. We were just talking and Hunter was in his car seat just chillin, lookin out the window. Josh and I stopped talking and then Hunter looked at me and said, "Momma's pretty" It just made my whole day! Especially since we weren't talking about anything remotely close to it, so he came up with it all on his very own. He's so stinkin cute! (most of the time)