Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Jesus & McKenna

I absolutely love Hunter! The other day him and I were getting ready for the day. Above our bed is this same pic of Christ. Hunter has know for a long time that it's a pic of Jesus and he will tell me often about it. He points and says Jesus. The other day though he said look momma, Jesus and Kenna. Then he proceeded to tell me that Jesus and Kenna are coming to his house. Kenna is coming to his house in Jesus' car. So now when he looks at that pic he tells me it's Kenna and Jesus and they are coming to his house. Oh the innocence of it all! If only she really came in Jesus' car. I wouldn't mind it would sure be a whole lot easier getting her here versus the real way she comes from Jesus.


Gwen said...

That is so precious, they are amazing.

Johnson Family said...

Wish we could see everything through their little eyes. That innocents is so inspiring, what a cute little guy you have. Thanks for sharing

Melissa said...

Awww...that is so cute :) I love it!