Sunday, April 26, 2009

For her google reader can have an update :)

We are just about packed up. We have a few of the odds and ends left to pack but most of it is done. We will be closing either on Tuesday or Wednesday this week. We'll find out for sure on Monday cuz our agent isn't sure if the bank has all our stuff ready. We're crossing our fingers hoping that they do. My cousin Wayne is being so kind and letting us use his trailer to move all our "junk". (We've got a lot of it) Josh's parents are coming down on Tuesday cuz mom has to work at one of the banks and they will help us move. We are super excited to see them and so greatful for their help.

We are sad to be leaving our wonderful duplex we've called "home" for the last 2 years. We have truly loved living her and will greatly miss it. We are so greatful for Donna (our landlord) and her wonderful spirit during the time we have lived here. We will miss her and Star (the dog) a lot but we still get to see her cuz Josh works with her.

We are so excited to start this new journey and can't wait to run the ink out of the pen on Tuesday (or Wednesday). :)

I'll try and post some pics of the house once we get a little settled in. (Which could be a while)


Gwen said...

We are so happy for you to be getting into yuor own home. Hope all goes great!

pie said...

I feel so special to have my name in your post title. This is so exciting. I sure wish we lived closer so we could help. Such a fun time in your lives. Congratulations. Enjoy every minute! I would love to see pics when you have a chance.