Monday, February 4, 2008


I'm a blogging dork! I need a cute background for my blog. If anyone has any great websites that have cute backgrounds I would love to know about them. I try to stick to the holiday of the month but I'm desperate I'll take anything!


pie said...

Have Brenda hook you up with the blog background document. I have always had luck with Shabby Princess or I just google digital scrapbook freebies. Good luck!

Mrs. B said...

I was companions with Krystal and came across your blog with needing backgrounds. I get all my paper from the above website it is great.

Suzie Koskella said...

So here is the website where I got mine! They have some really cute ones!

Jen said...

thank you everyone for your help. I really appreciate it. I wish I was more computer litterate. I know the basic but I wish I knew more.