Sunday, May 3, 2009


My husband has 40 ties! Yes that's right 40. He has a slight fedish. That' s more than enough to wear a different one for each day of the month. He sees nothing wrong with this though. He was amazed that I took the time to count. I only did because I was un packing and I was hanging them and so what a perfect time to count them. I just had to share my husband's crazyness with someone!


Tamara said...

Seriously. Josh you need to downsize.

pie said...

He must be related to Uncle B. That's impressive.

Gwen said...

Well he has a variety.

Meaghan said...

John has like 2 and is always crying that he needs more, but every time we go to Macy's or something he cries there too because he doesn't want to actually have to pay for them. So he is looking forward to when he is older and people actually start giving him ties as presents. It seems like Josh does not have this problem, but he would probably like ties as gifts if he is so obsessed with them!

Suzie Koskella said...

Oh 40 is nothing! My husband has probably over 100 ties! seriously! It takes up half the closet and he can't wear them all but he will not part with them! And he thinks I am weird! :)

Katie said...

Congrats on your house! Lucky!

Johnson Family said...

I don't know what the obsession with ties are, but Bart has alot as well. Although he doesn't wear all of them he would never let them go. He even has a tie with his high school colors and name that he wore during basketball and football on game days. Since Manti is a rival he won't wear it here, so why keep it? I don't know!!!!