Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Being a mom...

Since yesterday I just can't get over how much I love being a mom. I always think about it and how greatful I am to be a mom. But since Hunter got his shots yesterday I just have all these feelings of happiness. There is just something so sweet and special about being able to comfort my baby when he is hurting. I don't like to have to do it because I don't like him to hurt but I love the closeness it brings. I am truly blessed and so greatful for the opportunity to be a mom. It's a dream come true and I can't even fathom the joys and blessing to come. Hunter just makes me so happy. I love it when he smiles and tells me stories. I especially love it when he smiles when I pick him up from the daycare. I always worry so much that he will forget who I am because he is with them more than me during the day. I absolutely HATE having to take him to a daycare but bills must be paid. And to know that he is a gift from Heavenly Father and that he trusts me to take care of his precious child. What a joy! I don't know how I lived without him. It's kind of have a baby and you just kind of forget that there really was a life before he came because now my whole world revolves around him. And I just can't wait till the day when I can be a stay-at-home mom. It's truly my dream job. I just hope that mom's realize how import their children are and how blessed they are to have kids. Well enough of my soap box for the day.


The Brann's said...

It's a very satisfying job....isn't it??

Jen Jackson said...

I love your blog! I'm going to add it to my list. You guys are so adorable! Some day you will have your dream Jen! But for now work hard and don't give up! You are doing the best you can. We love you lots. I can't wait for when we get to have a baby to fret about. Who knows when that will be.