Monday, November 19, 2007

My Christmas Wish List

The Forgotten Carols DVD by Michael McClean

James Taylor at Christmas CD

*Bamboo Plant
*Pajama Pants
*Any good church books (I really like Jack Weyland, Anita Stansfield, & Rachel Ann Nunes)
*Anything I can do with Josh & Hunter
*Card Table
*Scrapbooking Supplies
*sheets-queen size

-So I know that some of these things are cheesey and stupid but still somewhat simple. I don't want much, really I don't care if I get anything but when people ask here's my list. Although, if you plan on getting me anything you might want to coordinate it with my parents and my in-laws...I seem to get a lot of doubles if you don't. One year they both got me a crockpot, and let me tell you I love that thing. There may be more to come as the time gets closer, but for now that's my wish list.